TheLifesciencesMag Magazine @TheLifesciencesMag
9 months ago
What is Exercise-Related Heartburn?
It refers to the occurrence of acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux (GER) during or after physical exertion.

It manifests as a burning sensation in the chest, often accompanied by regurgitation of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus.

?Symptoms of Exercise-Related Heartburn
?Burning sensation in the chest (often behind the breastbone)
?Sour taste or regurgitation of acid in the throat
?Difficulty swallowing
?Chest pain that may worsen with bending over or lying down

Know Causes, Prevention, and Management: https://thelifesciencesmag...

#Exercise #heartburn #acidreflux #GER #workoutrat #fitness #health #digestion #burningsensation #chestpain #regurgitation #soursteaste #difficultyswallowing
09:51 AM - Jul 12, 2024 (UTC)
TheLifesciencesMag Magazine @TheLifesciencesMag
8 months ago
Understanding Pectoralis Major Strain:

The pectoralis major, a thick, fan-shaped muscle situated at the chest, plays a crucial role in the movement of the shoulder and upper arm.

The pectoralis major muscle is divided into two parts: the clavicular head and the sternocostal head. The clavicular head originates from the clavicle (collarbone), while the sternocostal head originates from the sternum and the upper six ribs.

?Causes of Pectoralis Major Strain
✅Acute Trauma
✅Improper Technique
✅Inadequate Warm-Up
✅Muscle Imbalance

Know Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention: https://thelifesciencesmag...

#PectoralisMajorStrain #ChestMuscleStrain #PectoralInjury #MuscleStrain #chestpain #FitnessInjury #WorkoutInjury #Recovery #physicaltherapy #SportsInjury #GymInjury #rehabilitation
09:20 AM - Aug 05, 2024 (UTC)

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