dkscore private limited @dkscore
2 months ago
Understanding Rahu Ketu: Insights from Prashant Trivedi

Vedic Astrology holds many mysteries, but few are as enigmatic as Rahu and Ketu. Often referred to as shadow Planets, they play a pivotal role in shaping human destiny. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the profound insights shared by renowned astrologer Prashant Trivedi, shedding light on the significance of Rahu Ketu in our lives.

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#Cosmic #Destiny #Prashant #Trivedi #astrological #Guidance

#Soul #evolution #Karmic #Planets #dkscore #aiastrology #VedicAstrology #karma #predictions #astrological #analysis #dkscoreastrology #pastlife
06:08 AM - Dec 23, 2024 (UTC)

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