Vertigo Treatments: Managing the Symptoms of Room Spinning
Vertigo Treatments is recurrent cases of vertigo caused by BPPV, doctors will often recommend conservative treatments that can be done at home without medications.
The Epley maneuver is a series of head and body movements designed to dislodge calcium crystals from the semicircular canals back into the inner ear where they will be absorbed harmlessly. It works to treat posterior canal BPPV in about 80% of cases with one treatment session.
Vertigo Treatments-
#CoherentMarketInsights #Risingprevalenceofvertigodisorders #GrowingGeriatricPopulation #Increasingvertigoprevalence #medicaltechnologyadvancements
Vertigo Treatments is recurrent cases of vertigo caused by BPPV, doctors will often recommend conservative treatments that can be done at home without medications.
The Epley maneuver is a series of head and body movements designed to dislodge calcium crystals from the semicircular canals back into the inner ear where they will be absorbed harmlessly. It works to treat posterior canal BPPV in about 80% of cases with one treatment session.
Vertigo Treatments-
#CoherentMarketInsights #Risingprevalenceofvertigodisorders #GrowingGeriatricPopulation #Increasingvertigoprevalence #medicaltechnologyadvancements
12:59 PM - Jan 16, 2025 (UTC)