Jitenchoudhary @Jitenchoudhary
Vrindavan to Ayodhya Distance

The distance between Vrindavan to Ayodhya is approx. 220 to 250 km. It also depends on the route you choose. It takes around 5 to 6 hrs to reach there.

Routes from Vrindavan to Ayodhya

NH19 and NH28
These two highways are well-maintained and also the most preferable. The distance is approx. 220 km and the route takes you to Ayodhya through Agra.

National highway 44 is another route that you can take. The Vrindavan to Ayodhya Distance from this route is approx. 250 km. This route is an alternate of the NH19 and NH28. This route a longer and takes more time to reach.


#vrindavantoayodhyadistance #vrindavan #ayodhya #ramjanmbhoomi #saryuriver #hanumangarhi #placestovisit #ayodhyatourpackage #tourpackage
09:58 AM - Nov 21, 2024 (UTC)

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