sanjay Aggarwal @sanjay
How to go from Delhi to Khatu Shyam?

For travellers planning a trip from Delhi to Khatu Shyam Temple a holy site in Rajasthan dedicated to Lord Shyam ji it is helpful to arrange reliable transportation for a comfortable journey. Delhi to Khatu shyam distance is 270 km which will take approx. 5 to 6 hours by car. Here’s what to keep in mind for your trip:

Timings of Khatu Shyam Temple is it open daily from 4:30 AM to 1:00 PM and then reopens from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM, allowing ample time for visitors.

Best Time to Visit Khatu Shyam ji are Weekdays are preferable to avoid crowds with special occasions drawing larger numbers.

Here is a travel tip for you, booking a Car on Rent in Delhi for Outstation travel can offer a hassle free journey.

Renting will ensure you flexibility in travel timings and comfort for your pilgrimage.


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12:45 PM - Nov 11, 2024 (UTC)

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