Make America Geriatric Again!
It’s not clear which semi-sentient mass has a higher IQ: Joe Biden, the incumbent chief executive of the United States and an aged biological mass; or WordPress, a technological morass of (mostly) javascript that runs to some ten million lines for an ordinary install – far too many for one man to comprehend or configure
It’s not clear which semi-sentient mass has a higher IQ: Joe Biden, the incumbent chief executive of the United States and an aged biological mass; or WordPress, a technological morass of (mostly) javascript that runs to some ten million lines for an ordinary install – far too many for one man to comprehend or configure
Make America Geriatric Again! - HateShirt
Take a sarcastic stance on politics and technology, question the flaws of democracy, and poke fun at Biden's age in a factual, not funny, way.
08:07 PM - Jul 03, 2024 (UTC)