bse tec @bsetec
9 months ago
NetworkPlus - Upwork Clone Script

Network Plus is the ultimate solution to create a readymade freelance website with all new features. It is an Upwork clone app, specially designed with Angular 6 and Django framework to provide an unmatched accessibility option. Many freelancers are looking for quality websites to work from their comfort zones, Network Plus Upwork Clone is a great resource to start up one such website to let them do their passionate career online. It has various constructive features such as skills management, category management, Escrow payment, and a bidding system much like upwork, along with the dispute management system that helps to maintain a fair work environment.


#upworkclone #upworkcloneapp
#upworkclonescript #upworkcloneopensourcescript
#freelancerclone #freelancerclonescript

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