Prem Mandir to Nidhivan Distance
Nidhivan is located in Vrindavan. The distance from Prem Mandir to Nidhivan is 2.5 kms and it takes about 10-15 minutes via road, depending on the traffic conditions. The distance between these places is very short, making it easily accessible for every visitor.
Nidhivan Distance from railway station is approx. 11 kms and its takes around 30 mins to reach there. Nidhivan is a forest full of mysteries linked to Lord Krishna and his divine leelas. It is said that even today Lord Krishna visit Nidhiva with Goddess Radha and her sakhis to perform ras leela.
Nidhivan Timings
Nidhivan timings are different in summer and winter. During the time of summer, the timings of Nidhivan are 5:00 am to 8:00 pm and during the time of winter, the timings are 5:00 am to 7:00 pm.
#nidhivantemple #templesinvrindavan #vrindavantemples #nidhivanmystery #templetimings #besttimetovisit #nidhivandistance #premmandir #premmandirtonidhivan
Nidhivan is located in Vrindavan. The distance from Prem Mandir to Nidhivan is 2.5 kms and it takes about 10-15 minutes via road, depending on the traffic conditions. The distance between these places is very short, making it easily accessible for every visitor.
Nidhivan Distance from railway station is approx. 11 kms and its takes around 30 mins to reach there. Nidhivan is a forest full of mysteries linked to Lord Krishna and his divine leelas. It is said that even today Lord Krishna visit Nidhiva with Goddess Radha and her sakhis to perform ras leela.
Nidhivan Timings
Nidhivan timings are different in summer and winter. During the time of summer, the timings of Nidhivan are 5:00 am to 8:00 pm and during the time of winter, the timings are 5:00 am to 7:00 pm.
#nidhivantemple #templesinvrindavan #vrindavantemples #nidhivanmystery #templetimings #besttimetovisit #nidhivandistance #premmandir #premmandirtonidhivan
12:50 PM - Jan 06, 2025 (UTC)
Has Anyone Visited Nidhivan at Night?
Nidhivan is located in Vrindavan. Nidhivan is a forest full of mysteries and devotion. It is believed to be the place where Lord Krishna performed leela with Goddess Radha and Sakhis. It is believed that Lord Krishna visits Nidhivan every day to perform Rasleela with Radha and the Gopis even today. That is why the entry after the evening is banned in the temple.
Those who tried to witness this divine leela in Nidhivan Temple Vrindavan of the Lord Krishna had faced severe consequences. The trees of Nidhivan is unique and they all look like if they are dancing. Locals believed that those trees are the Sakhis who perform with Lord Krishna.
So, no one ever visited Nidhivan at night. There is no evidence if someone really tried to enter the temple at night.
#nidhivantemple #history #vrindavan #nidhivantemplevrindavan #templesinvrindavan #vrindavantemples #nidhivanmystery #nidhivan
Nidhivan is located in Vrindavan. Nidhivan is a forest full of mysteries and devotion. It is believed to be the place where Lord Krishna performed leela with Goddess Radha and Sakhis. It is believed that Lord Krishna visits Nidhivan every day to perform Rasleela with Radha and the Gopis even today. That is why the entry after the evening is banned in the temple.
Those who tried to witness this divine leela in Nidhivan Temple Vrindavan of the Lord Krishna had faced severe consequences. The trees of Nidhivan is unique and they all look like if they are dancing. Locals believed that those trees are the Sakhis who perform with Lord Krishna.
So, no one ever visited Nidhivan at night. There is no evidence if someone really tried to enter the temple at night.
#nidhivantemple #history #vrindavan #nidhivantemplevrindavan #templesinvrindavan #vrindavantemples #nidhivanmystery #nidhivan
10:36 AM - Jan 08, 2025 (UTC)
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