Kartik Sharma @tempotravellerindelhi
27 days ago
Distance from Delhi to Jim Corbett

The Distance from Delhi to Jim Corbett is approx. 240 km by road and it takes approx. 5 to 6 hours to reach Jim Corbett. The best route that you can take to Jim Corbett is via National Highway (NH9). The journey starts from Delhi, passing through major cities and then, you will Ramnagar which is the gateway to Jim Corbett National Park.

Delhi > Ghaziabad > Hapur > Moradabad > Kashipur > Ramnagar

Best Time to Visit Jim Corbett
It is best to visit Jim Corbett is between November to February and March to June to get the best out of your trip as during the month of winters, animals come out in open to roam around and it is also the best time for sight-seeing.


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09:15 AM - Jan 14, 2025 (UTC)

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