Kartik Sharma @tempotravellerindelhi
6 hours ago
Ghaziabad to Hastinapur Distance

Ghaziabad to Hastinapur distance is approx. 95 km and it takes around 2 to 2.5 hrs to reach there depending on the weather, road and traffic conditions. Hastinapur town is associated with the Mahabharata and a major pilgrimage destination for Hindu and Jain pilgrims.

How to Reach Hastinapur?

By Car
One of the easiest ways to reach Hastinapur from Ghaziabad is by road. You have NH34 road where you can drive and take a very comfortable and direct ride. You would be taking 2 hours on this journey, and hence it is ideal for family and group travelers.

By Tempo Traveller
For family groups, Ghaziabad Tempo Traveller Services provide hassle-free and easy travel to Hastinapur.

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11:21 AM - Mar 18, 2025 (UTC)

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