sofiya james @sofiyajames
30 days ago
Is 1121 Steam Basmati Rice Suitable for Diabetic Patients?

1121 Steam Basmati Rice is a healthier rice option for diabetic patients as it has a lower glycemic index (GI) usually between 50 and 58. Foods with low GI gradually release sugar into the bloodstream thus helping stabilize blood sugar levels.

The long, non-sticky grains of 1121 Basmati Steam Rice remain separate after cooking and do not release excess starch. This feature helps in portion control and balanced carbohydrate intake which is essential for diabetes management. It is also low in fat and provides thiamine and niacin, which are vital nutrients that support overall health.

The way to make it diabetic-friendly would be to couple this rice with fiber-rich vegetables, lean proteins, or legumes. Also, portioning control and reducing add-ons such as excess oil or butter will be quite beneficial.


#rice #1121steambasmatirice #ricetraders #basmtirice #basmatiricetraders #amolinternational
07:13 AM - Jan 20, 2025 (UTC)

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