Prateek Yadav @go_675a7986e5c18
12 hours ago
Gaucher Disease: Understanding the Role of Enzyme Replacement Therapy

Gaucher disease is a rare inherited lysosomal storage disorder caused by the deficiency of an enzyme called glucocerebrosidase. This enzyme breakdown a fatty substance called glucocerebroside which is mainly found in cells of the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and nervous system. Due to the deficiency of this enzyme, glucocerebroside starts accumulating in these organs and tissues which disrupts their normal functioning.

Gaucher Disease - https://prateikcmi.hashnod...

#GaucherDisease #EnzymeReplacementTherapy #SubstrateReductionTherapy #BoneMarrowTransplantation #CoherentMarketInsights
09:42 AM - Mar 17, 2025 (UTC)

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