Global Water Desalination: Transforming Saltwater into Life-Saving Resources
The world's population has grown exponentially in the past century and is expected to reach nearly 10 billion people by 2050. This massive population growth has led to a spike in demand for freshwater for domestic, industrial, and agricultural uses. However, the global supply of freshwater has remained relatively constant. Nearly 97% of the world's water is salt water found in oceans and only 3% is freshwater.
#WaterScarcity #DesalinationTechnology #FreshwaterResources #SustainableWaterSolutions #CoherentMarketInsights
The world's population has grown exponentially in the past century and is expected to reach nearly 10 billion people by 2050. This massive population growth has led to a spike in demand for freshwater for domestic, industrial, and agricultural uses. However, the global supply of freshwater has remained relatively constant. Nearly 97% of the world's water is salt water found in oceans and only 3% is freshwater.
#WaterScarcity #DesalinationTechnology #FreshwaterResources #SustainableWaterSolutions #CoherentMarketInsights
12:55 PM - Mar 19, 2025 (UTC)
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