TheLifesciencesMag Magazine @TheLifesciencesMag
8 months ago
Nina Tandon, an American biomedical engineer, is a co-founder and leader at EpiBone, the pioneering company in growing living human bones for skeletal reconstruction.

The technology she has developed utilizes stem cells and electrical signals to allow patients to cultivate their bone grafts, eliminating the need for risky options like donor or autologous bone. EpiBone's customized grafts improve bone formation, simplify surgical procedures, expedite recovery time, and avoid issues associated with foreign implants.

This advancement has the potential to benefit approximately 900,000 patients on an annual basis. Tandon also has aspirations to use stem cells in creating organ models for drug testing, which could potentially lead to advancements in personalized medicine.

#NinaTandon #biomedicalengineer #EpiBone #skeletalreconstruction #livingbones #MedicalInnovation #biotech #HealthCare
10:18 AM - Aug 08, 2024 (UTC)

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