pragatibodkhe @pragatibodkhe
26 days ago (E)
Clinical Informatics Market to Surge with AI and Big Data Analytics Integration
The clinical informatics market is witnessing significant growth due to the increasing adoption of healthcare IT solutions such as electronic health records (EHR) and other patient-care management systems.
Clinical Informatics Market Demand in technological advancements such as AI, cloud computing, and big data analytics are enhancing the scope of clinical decision support solutions. Players are focusing on integrating AI capabilities in existing clinical systems to process large patient datasets and provide personalized treatment plans
Clinical Informatics Market Demand -https://www.coherentmarket... #ClinicalInformaticsMarket #electronichealthrecords #laboratories #Pharmacies #CoherentMarketInsights #ClinicalInformaticsMarketsize
10:56 AM - Jan 16, 2025 (UTC) (E)

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