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KIVA Network
5 days ago
Kiva Network Mining Project & Get Rewards $KIVA
#Sing-Up Link: https://kivanet.com/regist...
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*Submit Code: YXDNO3
*Send To Email: Verify me to [email protected]
--Login Here: https://app.kivanet.com
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⚠️Note: 20% of total supply for mining Kiva has its own blockchain
Just look at the countries on the UN Human Rights Council ... among them is South Africa, that has more than 100 racist and discriminatory 'apartheid' laws (BEE, EE, AA and quotas) that exclude minorities from higher education, employment and supply chain contracts; no individual or business who don't qualify as 'black' are considered.
03:37 PM - Sep 19, 2023 (UTC)