Crypto @Crypto
7 days ago
Chain explorers (or blockchain explorers) are specialized tools or websites used to view all the information related to a blockchain. Using them, users can search for specific blocks, transactions, wallet addresses, and other blockchain-related data. Blockchain explorers make the transaction records of a blockchain more accessible and transparent.

How chain explorers work:

- Transaction search: You can use a specific transaction ID (TxID) to find a transaction and view its detailed information, such as the number of coins sent, the recipient and sender's addresses, transaction fees, and block confirmations.

- Wallet address search: By entering a particular wallet address, you can view the transaction history from that address, the total balance, and the current amount of coins held in that address.

- Block details: You can see what information is contained within a specific block in the blockchain, such as the block number, block hash, the time it was mined, the number of transactions in the block, and details about the miner.

- Token or coin search: Information about a specific token or coin can be found, such as its latest transactions, total supply, and current price.


- Etherscan: A popular explorer used for the Ethereum blockchain, providing information about Ethereum-based transactions and smart contracts.

- Blockchain Explorer: Used for the Bitcoin blockchain, allowing users to search for Bitcoin transactions, blocks, and addresses.

Using blockchain explorers, users can easily monitor blockchain activity and verify transactions, which helps maintain transparency and security within the blockchain network.
Trading Talks @go_668fc6ae110a2
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Ready to dive into the world of Litecoin? Learn how to buy Litecoin easily and securely with our Bitdelta. Explore more at 👇


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