Zoopharmacognosey Consultations
This is incredible! Why? Because your animal tells you what they need. It is about respecting their intelligence and engaging them in their own healing.
This is incredible! Why? Because your animal tells you what they need. It is about respecting their intelligence and engaging them in their own healing.
09:24 AM - Oct 17, 2024 (UTC)
Natural Treatment For Hot Spots On Dogs
Hot spots are all about toxicity. The organs are overloaded with toxins. Learn how to heal your animal naturally, while not contributing to their toxic load.
Hot spots are all about toxicity. The organs are overloaded with toxins. Learn how to heal your animal naturally, while not contributing to their toxic load.
09:22 AM - Oct 17, 2024 (UTC)
Natural Treatment For Dog Eye Problems
Understanding what your animal eyes are telling you about their internal state. Optimal eye health is crucial to a sound body, mind, and spirit.
Understanding what your animal eyes are telling you about their internal state. Optimal eye health is crucial to a sound body, mind, and spirit.
09:20 AM - Oct 17, 2024 (UTC)
Natural Treatment For Fungal Skin Infection
Fungus thrives in an environment which is off balance. The body is not well. To heal any fungal issue, the environment of the body, mind, and spirit must be rebalanced according to nature.
Fungus thrives in an environment which is off balance. The body is not well. To heal any fungal issue, the environment of the body, mind, and spirit must be rebalanced according to nature.
09:16 AM - Oct 17, 2024 (UTC)
Triple Warmer Meridian Acupuncture Points
Any animal healing, or needing help will most likely show signs of distress at this time of night if they are not supported accordingly.
Any animal healing, or needing help will most likely show signs of distress at this time of night if they are not supported accordingly.
09:14 AM - Oct 17, 2024 (UTC)
Conception Vessel Acupuncture Points In Dogs
There are eight extraordinary vessels in the body, only two of them which have acupuncture points, and run along the top of the body, and the bottom of the body, pretty much opposite each other.
There are eight extraordinary vessels in the body, only two of them which have acupuncture points, and run along the top of the body, and the bottom of the body, pretty much opposite each other.
09:11 AM - Oct 17, 2024 (UTC)
Bladder Meridian in Dogs
The bladder meridian runs down the entire spine. When we touch the back of an animal, or any being for that matter, we must NOT touch with any negative thoughts or emotions as this will be imprinted onto the body impacting this meridian heavily.
The bladder meridian runs down the entire spine. When we touch the back of an animal, or any being for that matter, we must NOT touch with any negative thoughts or emotions as this will be imprinted onto the body impacting this meridian heavily.
09:09 AM - Oct 17, 2024 (UTC)
Gall Bladder Meridian In Dogs
I find this organ comes up a lot where the animal is processing heavy metals or technology in their body. Both these toxins jam the gallbladder, which must be neutralized and cleared.
I find this organ comes up a lot where the animal is processing heavy metals or technology in their body. Both these toxins jam the gallbladder, which must be neutralized and cleared.
09:07 AM - Oct 17, 2024 (UTC)
Natural Treatment For Chronic Ear Infections Dogs
This is the animal & body messaging, please stop everything you are doing to me. Food, and toxic preventive protocols are over loading the body to such a state that it is pushing it out through the organs.
This is the animal & body messaging, please stop everything you are doing to me. Food, and toxic preventive protocols are over loading the body to such a state that it is pushing it out through the organs.
09:02 AM - Oct 17, 2024 (UTC)
Natural Remedies For Dog Heart Disease
Healing dilated cardio myopathy via nature amazing gifts, plants. Ceasing all toxic pet healthcare protocols is essential.
Healing dilated cardio myopathy via nature amazing gifts, plants. Ceasing all toxic pet healthcare protocols is essential.
09:00 AM - Oct 17, 2024 (UTC)
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