Tania M Banks @Tania
1 yr. ago
The Democrats say that Joe Biden doesn't control the price of oil! Solid documentation that he most certainly does. Remember he's already depleted our strategic reserves to try and keep the price down for mid term elections and now he's doing everything to stop the flow of oil rich which creates high prices to please his green energy mafia so he can get more donations for the next election. anybody that supports the idiot in the White House is just a useful idiot. 
10:14 AM - Sep 16, 2023 (UTC)
Tania M Banks @Tania
1 yr. ago
The inflation reduction act chicanery
If you love Joe Biden because he gave you cheap drugs through his so-called 'inflation reduction act'??? read on.
The bill was named that strictly for propaganda purposes as it does not do that job. It's a massive program to fund green energy in Communist China and for the donors of the democratic party. But buried within it is the new drug policy of price-fixing that you adore. (price-fixing and reduction of research are the key components ?). When it is recognized as a highly inflationary policy heavily funding activities of Communist China and lobbyist of the Democratic politicians, the corrupt politicians immediately drag out the drug program in the bill and say ~how dare you try and erase the drug program. It's classic Democrat policy of creating terrible massive spending bills with one little aspect that they can call upon when people want to remove their massive spending plan and corruption.

The Democrats create a mega trillion dollar spending bill, they give it a name that sounds popular (which Joe Biden actually agreed was the wrong name), and they put in a few little issues like the drug prices so that when people want to remove the huge horrible components of the bill, the Democrats can tell you that you're killing their drug policy and inflation reduction policies. To play this game in the press and in social media they have so many #usefulIdiots that play this game.

If you're smart you can pull back the curtain and see the game, but if you're self-serving you will see the game but you don't care. Pick a lane!
10:12 AM - Sep 16, 2023 (UTC)
Tania M Banks @Tania
1 yr. ago
On an important issue of DRUG PRICES: The so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which Joe Biden said was really the "green deal" because it feeds so much money to Communist China and the donors and lobbyist who benefit from the green energy sweetheart deals, there was another provision to reduce a few drugs. Just a few. BUT, Note the history!!! Obama dug deep to find votes from the pharmaceuticals to push his major piece of bad legislation through. Yes there are a few good details, but there are tons of bad details including the one that said that Medicare could NOT negotiate PRICES with the drug industry if they helped support the passing of Obamacare. Hence the high prices forevermore of drugs in the United States thanks to the deal Barack Obama created to pass Obamacare. Now, the Democrats are trying to take credit for reducing a very few of the high prices created by Barack Obama and expect you to be pleased with the bad deal they created in Obamacare with all the other drugs . As always, government creates problems and then tries to cover it up and hopes you have a short memory .
10:09 AM - Sep 16, 2023 (UTC)
Tania M Banks @Tania
1 yr. ago
Joe Biden has given you 17% increase in your consumer price index and inflation continues to rachet up under his big spend policies putting too much money slushing around in the economy. Immigration is way out of control. Trillions has been spent to send industry to Communist China and give deals to Biden Donors, but there's been no improvement in the climate paradigm and China goes full speed ahead in the opposite direction because Joe Biden was unsuccessful.
10:06 AM - Sep 16, 2023 (UTC)