MD KAYUM @kayum
3 months ago
বন্ধুরা 🫶🏏🌺
01:56 PM - Nov 11, 2024 (UTC)
Voice Of Islam @voiceofislam
3 months ago
04:23 AM - Nov 15, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
Photo from the early 1900s. A British man has chained the necks of Australian aborigines. This is the true nature of the West. But they want to teach us humanity!!😂😂🤣🤣

১৯০০ সালের প্রথম দশকের ছবি। অস্ট্রেলিয়ার আদিবাসীদের গলায় শিকল পড়িয়ে বেঁধে রেখেছে একজন ব্রিটিশ। এটাই হচ্ছে পশ্চিমাদের আসল রুপ। অথচ ওরাই আমাদেরকে হিউম্যানিটি শেখাতে চায়!!!🤣🤣😂😂
12:55 AM - Oct 31, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago (E)
If people turn away from it and love its news, don't leave it even if you are alone✌🇵🇸🔻☝️
إذا انفض الناس عن غرْة وملوا من أخبارها، فلا تتخلى عنها حتى لو كنت وحدك✌🇵🇸🔻☝️

লোকেরা যদি এটির খবরে অবাক এবং বিরক্ত হয় তবে আপনি একা থাকলেও এটিকে ত্যাগ করবেন না ✌☝️🇵🇸🔻 #FreePalestine #FreeGaza
02:56 AM - Oct 31, 2024 (UTC) (E)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
Hamas Training 🔥🔻🇵🇸🔥
08:27 AM - Oct 31, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
Our Shohid brother 🥺🇵🇸
09:24 AM - Oct 31, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
🇵🇸A few days ago, a brother sent me a message in my inbox.

His little daughter Zainab. Zainab's mother tells Zainab the story of Baitullah, Masjid an Nabbi and Masjid Al Aqsa from my 'Holy Masjid Stories' series for children. In the gap of the story, he gives Zainab a dream of visiting Baitullah and one day says, 'Zainab, we will stay in Baitullah for seven days, we will stay in Masjid an Nabbi for seven days, how?'

From the curiosity of Zainab's little mind, she asked her mother, 'Mom, how long will we stay in Masjid Aqsa?'

Zainab's father texted me and said, 'Brother, tell me, do you have any answer to this question?'

Little Zainab may have thought - Mom said about staying in Baitullah, she said about staying in Masjid Nawabi, but she did not say about staying in Masjid Aqsa.

But how do we explain Zainab, and thousands of other little Kusumkalis like her? How many hundreds of fairy-girls like her are losing their lives in the fight every day, whose dreams are as long as their age - grandchild.

Constantinople, the traditional city of Muslims, was occupied by the Romans.The mother of Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih (rahimahullah) used to bring Muhammad al-Fatih to the bank of the river every morning and, pointing to the walls of Constantinople in the distance across the river, would say to him, 'Father, the walls of that distant city are visible, the city that will be conquered by the Messenger of God, may God's prayers and peace be upon him. to himGave the good news of Paradise.I dream—one day you will conquer this city.

His mother had woven a dream in little Fatihar's mind. And indeed, one day Muhammad al-Fatih rahimahullah conquered Constantinople, overthrowing the Byzantine Empire.

Maybe we can't tell our Zaynabs how long we will stay in Al Aqsa. But, we will weave a dream seed in the minds of our followers.

They will weave that dream seed in their next generation. Maybe, some of our Zainabs will show the picture of Masjid al-Aqsa and tell their children, 'Father, Al-Aqsa is now the capital of Muslims. Those who save this city and this holy mosque will surely be with the Messenger of Allah in Paradise. I want you to rescue this Masjid.

Maybe, another Salahuddin will be created from the dream of one of our posterity Zainab. On that day, some of us will be able to say exactly how long we will stay in Al Aqsa.🔻🇵🇸☝️

01:52 PM - Oct 31, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
Question: What is the biggest obstacle in the case of jihad in Bengal?

In this regard, the former Amir of Da and La Tul Islam in Bengal, Sheikh Abu Ibrahim Al Hanif Rahimahullah, gave an answer in an interview with Da BK.

He said: "The biggest obstacle we face after our sins in strengthening the Jihadi Front in Bengal is the lack of knowledge of the Qur'an, Sunnah as understood by the Salaf among the common Muslims of the regionThere are many misguided groups and 'ulama' such as "Jama'at at-Tabligh" and "Bangladesh Jama'at-e-Islami", whose job it is to propagate a false understanding of the Deen, and consequently their attitude towards the Deen among the common Muslims. Doubts arise. Even the so-called "Ahle Hadith Movement" in Bengal preaches a "Ta Gu Te er Preferable" Tawheed where Parliament does not have to reject and oppose Ta and Yagbit or wage Jihad against them in the way of Allah to establish Deen. Also they keep the correct teachings and fatwas hidden from the general public such as ku far bit-ta gut, wala al-bara', Jihad in the way of Allah etc.; Although they falsely claim to be the followers of those sane scholars. Rather, they sought to spread among the masses the teachings of the pro-Saudi "ulama" of the Arabian Peninsula, their local Taleb ilm who had studied at universities founded and run by the Saudis and Yagibs. Therefore, very few people in this region have knowledge of the true teachings of Deen and Manhaj of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. This is the biggest obstacle in the region right now, and God knows best."

Therefore, all the mujahid brothers in the land of Bengal, including the Munasirin of Khi La Fa, should insist on pure Da'wah in the light of the Manhaj of the Salaf Saleheen. Promote what you know. Spread the message of pure Tawheed as much as possible in the land of Bengal. Because without Jihad, unarmed faith cannot survive in the face of an aggressive enemy, so without Tawheed, the message of Jihad cannot bring any good. Rather, in that case it will be the cause of strife and division⚔️🥷
02:39 AM - Nov 02, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
# Before there were people to talk, now we have lost that too!

A teacher's last post:

Why, do you know that trees and stones will speak against these Jews in the end times? Because people all over the world will be silent like dumb!

— Ahmed Rafiq (Hafi.)

#আগে কথা বলার মানুষ ছিল, এখন সেটাও হারিয়েছি আমরা!

গ|জার একজন শিক্ষকের শেষ পোস্ট :

কেন, শেষ সময়ে এসে ই হুদি দের বিরুদ্ধে গাছ ও পাথরকেও কথা বলতে হবে জানেন? কারণ, সারা পৃথিবীর মানুষ বোবার মতো নিশ্চুপ হয়ে থাকবে!

— আহমেদ রফিক (হাফি.)

01:44 PM - Nov 02, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
For this reason, I love him

12:06 PM - Nov 03, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
Let's not forget Gazzah!!!

To all Muslim brothers and sisters in Bangladesh - don't forget Gazzah. From July 18th to August 5th, you have had a bloody day like the people of Gaza. By the grace of Almighty Allah, you have been freed from that bloody situation. So be thankful for this blessing. Stand by the families of those who were martyred in this bloody movement, help treat those who are injured. Your brothers and sisters in Gaza have been going through a thousand times more terrible time for a long year. So continue to send aid to Gaza as much as possible through reliable agencies. Don't stop sending aid until the situation in Gaza normalizes.
Because the war is so long, many of us have forgotten Gazzah, or don't feel the same way. Many are no longer sending aid like they used to. It is not appropriate at all. We must ensure that Gazzah is alive with us every moment, that our duty to Gazzah is always fulfilled.
A respected cleric in Gaza posted a post on a social media platform, from which one can get a sense of the current situation. The Bengali translation of the text is presented for the readers-
"It is with great regret that the flow of relief and aid to the people in need in Gaza has fallen far short of what it has been in the past. Gazans are currently going through a time when the need for aid from the outside world is greater than ever before, even in the early months of the war. More than Because at that time, many people in Gaza had some money and goods saved earlier. Aid was delivered through a number of large agencies, commodity prices were relatively normal, and public health and safety were less fragile than they are now.
Now everything saved is gone. The flow of aid has also stopped to a large extent. The need has increased, there has been a severe shortage of basic necessities of life and livelihood.
It is obligatory upon all Muslims to help the people of Gaza. If it is not possible to help the people of Gaza by fighting with weapons, then at least it is important to stand by them by sending resources and aid. This is the command of the Qur'an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the way of Umar, may God be pleased with him.
As the road is a little long, let us not stop, let us not be discouraged. Because one of the signs of faith and honesty is to continue walking on the path of religion. There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.🔻🇵🇸💚

08:00 AM - Nov 04, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
ونقول للأخوة الفلسطينيين: بالتأكيد دماء أطفالكم، إنه دماء أطفالنا. وأكيد دماءكم هي دماءنا. فالدم بالدم والدمار بالتدمير نشهد الله عز وجل.لن نتخلى عنك أبدا حتى يتحقق النصر. أو نتناول الطعم الذي ذاقه حمزة بن عبد المطلب (رضي الله تعالى عنه).☝️🇵🇸🔻

We say to the Palestinian brothers, surely the blood of your children,
It is the blood of our children.
And surely your blood is our blood.
So blood for blood, and destruction for destruction. We bear witness to Almighty Allah, We will never forsake you. until victory is achieved. Or we recite the taste that Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib (radiyallahu ta'ala anhu) tasted.☝️🇵🇸🔻

Kami katakan kepada saudara-saudara Palestina, tentu saja darah anak-anakmu, Itu adalah darah anak-anak kita. Dan sesungguhnya darahmu adalah darah kami. Jadi darah ganti darah, dan kehancuran demi kehancuran.
Kami tidak akan pernah meninggalkanmu. sampai kemenangan tercapai. Atau kita melafalkan rasa yang dicicipi Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib (radiyallahu ta'ala anhu).

আমরা ফিলিস্তিনি ভাইদের উদ্দেশ্যে বলছি, নিশ্চয়ই তোমাদের সন্তানদের রক্ত,
তা তো আমাদেরই সন্তানদের রক্তই,
আর নিশ্চয়ই তোমাদের রক্ত, তা তো আমাদেরই রক্ত।
সুতরাং রক্তের বদলা রক্ত, এবং ধ্বংসের বদলা ধ্বংস।আমরা সর্বশক্তিমান আল্লাহকে সাক্ষী রেখে বলছি,, আমরা কখনোই তোমাদের পরিত্যাগ করবো না। যতক্ষণ না বিজয় অর্জিত হয়। বা আমরা সেই স্বাদ আশ্বোধন করি,, যা আস্বাদন করেছেন,, হামজা ইবনু আব্দুল মুত্তালিব,(রাদিয়াল্লাহু তা'আলা আনহু)

04:15 AM - Nov 06, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
‏رِجالٌ باعُوا الحَياةَ وَ اشتَرَوا لِقاءَ رَبِّهِم وَ الجِنان
أَتَظُنُّهُم يُهزَمون 💚 !!🔻☝️🇵🇸

পুরুষ যারা তাদের জীবন বিক্রি করে এবং তাদের প্রভুর সাথে সাক্ষাৎ এবং জান্নাত কিনেছে। আপনি কি মনে করেন তারা পরাজিত হবে 💚!!🔻☝️🇵🇸

Men who sell their lives and buy meeting with their Lord and Paradise. Do you think they will be defeated 💚!!🔻☝️🇵🇸
12:38 PM - Nov 06, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
إِنَّمَا المُؤمِنونَ الَّذينَ امَنوا بِاللَّهِ وَرَسولِهِ ثُمَّ لَم يَرتابو وَجاهَدوا بِأَموالِهِم وَأَنفُسِهِم في سَبيلِ اللَّهِ أُولئكَ هُمُ الصّادِقونَ

Believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, then do not doubt. And did Jihad in the way of Allah with their wealth and their lives. These are the true ones.

[49:15] Al-Huzrat

إِنَّمَا المُؤمِنونَ الَّذينَ آمَنوا بِاللَّهِ وَرَسولِهِ ثُمَّ لَم يَرتابو وَجاهَدوا بِأَموالِهِم وَأَنفُسِهِم في سَبيلِ اللَّهِ أُولئِكَ هُمُ الصّادِقونَ

মুমিন কেবল তারাই যারা আল্লাহ ও তাঁর রাসূলের প্রতি ঈমান এনেছে, তারপর সন্দেহ পোষণ করেনি। আর নিজেদের সম্পদ ও নিজেদের জীবন দিয়ে আল্লাহর রাস্তায় জিহাদ করেছে। এরাই সত্যনিষ্ঠ।

[৪৯:১৫] আল হুজরাত

01:54 PM - Nov 06, 2024 (UTC)
Md Rajib @Palestinian
4 months ago
حافل بالتضحيات لهذا الدين وهذه الأرض ..

إرتقى إلى جوار ربه أخي وحبيبي صاحب الضربة المميتة، القتّال والمُذل لهذا الكيان وجنده، أحد رجال نخبة بدر الأبية..
وأحد مؤسسي وأبطال العبور المقدس السـابـع من أكتوبر المجيد في شمالنا الصامد الصابر ..

صاحب السمت الهادئ لا يتكلم إلا قليلاً، المحبوب لذا الجميع، المحافظ للصلاة، المخلص في عمله، المُفرج لكرب الناس، كبير الأثر ..

مضى مع ثلة من إخوانه الشهداء إلى العلا..
الحبيب المجاهدالشهيد: صامد جمال ورش أغا " أبو مصطفى"
الحبيب المجاهد الشهيد: شادي جمال ورش أغا "أبو حمزه"
الحبيب المجاهد الشهيد: على جمال ورش أغا "أبو جمال"
الحبيب المجاهد الشهيد: عطا موسى عليان "أبو الحسن"
الحبيب الشهيد: شحدة قحمان

إلى رحمة الله تعالى..💔
هنيئاً لكم الشهادة..💔

A day full of self-sacrifice for this religion and this soil. He rose by the side of his Lord, my brother and beloved, who bore the fatal blow, the warrior and insulter of this entity and its soldiers, one of the nobles of Badr al-Abar. And one of the founders and heroes of the Holy Crossing of the Seventh of Glorious October in our steadfast and patient North. He who is calm in nature, speaks little, is loved by all, establishes prayer, is sincere in his work, removes the suffering of people and his influence is greatHe who is calm in nature, speaks little, is loved by all, establishes prayer, is sincere in his work, relieves the suffering of people and his influence is great. He went to Al-Ala with his martyred brothers. Dear Mujahid, Martyr: Samed Jamal Warsh Agha "Abu Mustafa" Dear Mujahid, Martyr: Shadi Jamal Warsh Agha "Abu Hamza" Dear Mujahid and Martyr: Ali Jamal Warsh Agha "Abu Jamal" Dear Mujahid and Martyr: Atta Musa Alian "Abu Al- Hasan" Dear Martyr: Shahedeh Kahman by the mercy of Almighty Allah...💔 Congratulations on your certificate...💔
এই ধর্ম ও এই মাটির জন্য আত্মত্যাগে পরিপূর্ণ একটি দিন। তিনি তার প্রভুর পাশে উঠেছিলেন, আমার ভাই এবং প্রিয়, যিনি মারাত্মক আঘাত বহন করেছিলেন, এই সত্তা এবং এর সৈন্যদের যোদ্ধা এবং অপমানকারী, বদর আল-আবার অভিজাত ব্যক্তিদের একজন। এবং আমাদের অবিচল এবং ধৈর্যশীল উত্তরে মহিমান্বিত অক্টোবরের সপ্তম পবিত্র ক্রসিংয়ের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা ও নায়কদের একজন। যিনি শান্ত স্বভাবের, অল্প কথা বলেন, সকলের কাছে প্রিয়, নামায কায়েম করেন, নিজের কাজে আন্তরিক হন, মানুষের কষ্ট দূর করেন এবং তার প্রভাব অনেক বেশি।যিনি শান্ত স্বভাবের, অল্প কথা বলেন, সকলের কাছে প্রিয়, নামায কায়েম করেন, নিজের কাজে আন্তরিক হন, মানুষের কষ্ট দূর করেন এবং তার প্রভাব অনেক বেশি। তিনি তার শহীদ ভাইদের সাথে আল-আলায় গিয়েছিলেন। প্রিয় মুজাহিদ, শহীদ: সামেদ জামাল ওয়ারশ আগা "আবু মুস্তাফা" প্রিয় মুজাহিদ, শহীদ: শাদী জামাল ওয়ার্শ আগা "আবু হামজা" প্রিয় মুজাহিদ ও শহীদঃ আলী জামাল ওয়ার্শ আগা “আবু জামাল” প্রিয় মুজাহিদ ও শহীদ: আত্তা মুসা আলিয়ান "আবু আল-হাসান" প্রিয় শহীদ: শেহেদেহ কাহমান সর্বশক্তিমান আল্লাহর রহমতে...💔 আপনার সার্টিফিকেটের জন্য অভিনন্দন...💔🔻☝️🇵🇸

03:59 PM - Nov 07, 2024 (UTC)