Simone Sky @semonesky22
zodiac birthstones: Meaning, Healing Powers & Zodiac Connection

Zodiac birthstones are different from monthly birthstones – where the traditional monthly birthstone is a gemstone assigned to a person born in a particular month, the zodiac birthstones are classified on the basis of the zodiac sign of the user. These birthstones are certain precious (or semi-precious) gemstones, like ruby, agate, and peridot, that suit a particular zodiac sign and provide them healing.The most visionary zodiac sign among all the 12 signs is the Aquarius zodiac sign. Aquarians, who are born between 20th January and 18th February, are symbolized by the water bearer and are blessed with garnet as their birthstone. The Aquarius birthstone complements the personality of Aquarians by promoting resilience, clarity, and passion within them.

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