How Do You Prepare A PBS Buffer PH 7?
The buffer composed of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and phosphate salts makes PBS an isotonic solution. PBS is mainly applied in cell culture to allow the maintenance of a pH of approximately 7.4 which is close to physiologic conditions. Although mostly buffering pH, PBS holds the cells hydrated and relatively stable by maintaining osmotic pressure. Read more :-
The buffer composed of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and phosphate salts makes PBS an isotonic solution. PBS is mainly applied in cell culture to allow the maintenance of a pH of approximately 7.4 which is close to physiologic conditions. Although mostly buffering pH, PBS holds the cells hydrated and relatively stable by maintaining osmotic pressure. Read more :-
Purma Biologics LLC's answer to How do you prepare a PBS buffer pH 7? - Quora
Purma Biologics LLC's answer: In cell culture, the appropriateness of a chosen buffer system becomes critical with respect to how physiological conditions are maintained, enabling successful runs of experiments. The appropriate pH and ionic balance are among crucial factors with respect to the ..
3 days ago