Raman Spectroscopy: A Powerful Analytical Technique Goes Global
Raman spectroscopy has experienced tremendous technological advancements over the past few decades that have significantly expanded its applications and use worldwide. Traditional Raman systems were bulky and required long acquisition times which hindered practical applications. However, recent innovations have miniaturized Raman instruments, improved light sources and detectors, and produced user-friendly software interfaces. Portable Raman analyzers no larger than a smartphone are now available, enabling instant analysis in the field. Laser options have diversified with stabilized semiconductor lasers replacing conventional gas lasers. Charged coupled device (CCD) detectors have been upgraded to produce spectra with higher sensitivity and resolution.
Get More Insights On Global Raman Spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy has experienced tremendous technological advancements over the past few decades that have significantly expanded its applications and use worldwide. Traditional Raman systems were bulky and required long acquisition times which hindered practical applications. However, recent innovations have miniaturized Raman instruments, improved light sources and detectors, and produced user-friendly software interfaces. Portable Raman analyzers no larger than a smartphone are now available, enabling instant analysis in the field. Laser options have diversified with stabilized semiconductor lasers replacing conventional gas lasers. Charged coupled device (CCD) detectors have been upgraded to produce spectra with higher sensitivity and resolution.
Get More Insights On Global Raman Spectroscopy
Raman Spectroscopy: A Powerful Analytical Technique Goes Global | Zupyak
13 hours ago