LASIK VS SMILE: Which One Is Best For You?
Technological advancements are occurring in every sector including the medical sector. During the SMILE procedure, the surgeon uses the femtosecond LASER..The time for performing the corneal reshaping is less in SMILE as compared to LASIK.
#SMILEeyesurgeryinDelhi , #SMILELasikinDelhi #LasikcostinDelhi , #EyeCare , #southdelhi
Technological advancements are occurring in every sector including the medical sector. During the SMILE procedure, the surgeon uses the femtosecond LASER..The time for performing the corneal reshaping is less in SMILE as compared to LASIK.
#SMILEeyesurgeryinDelhi , #SMILELasikinDelhi #LasikcostinDelhi , #EyeCare , #southdelhi
LASIK VS SMILE: Which One Is Best For You?
Expert Delhi ophthalmologist Dr. Rajiv Bajaj discusses the comparative benefits of advanced LASIK and SMILE vision correction surgery in Delhi.
07:41 AM - Jul 18, 2024 (UTC)