Kartik Sharma @tempotravellerindelhi
22 days ago
Noida to Ayodhya Distance

Ayodhya is the city of Lord Rama. It is located in Uttar Pradesh. Ayodhya is a scared and most important place for Hindus. For those who are travelling from Noida to Ayodhya, it takes approx. 9 to 10 hours by car to reach Ayodhya from Noida, depending on route, road and weather condition.

Noida to Ayodhya Distance can be covered by National Highways, NH19 and NH27. The highways are well-maintained so, you can reach the destination either by personal vehicle, buses, or private taxis. This city is called the birthplace of Lord Ram, and as such, it's a significant pilgrimage destination, so people visit all year round. The city is a mix of spiritual experiences where temples like Ram Janmabhoomi and Hanuman Garhi dominate the attractions.


#noidatoayodhyadistance #ayodhya #timetaken #roadtrip #travelbytrain #ayodhyafromnoida #noida #waystoreach #noidatoayodhya
06:25 AM - Jan 08, 2025 (UTC)
Kartik Sharma @tempotravellerindelhi
23 days ago
Gurgaon to Jaipur Distance

The distance between Gurgaon and Jaipur is approx. 240 km by NH48. The beauty of the Rajasthan is bound to make the journey memorable on a road journey.

By Tempo Traveller – You can Hire Tempo Traveller in Gurgaon based on your group size. For small or medium group, 9 to 12 seater tempo traveller is sufficient but for large group you can choose a tempo traveller with seating capacity of 16 seater traveller and above.

By Personal Vehicle – It takes around 4 to 5 hours to reach by your own vehicle. It might cost you around ₹2,500 and ₹3,000 depending on your vehicle condition and mileage.

#tempotravelleringurgaon #hiretempotravelleringurgaon #gurgaontojaipur #distance #waystoreach #tempotraveller #gurgaontempotraveller
06:52 AM - Jan 07, 2025 (UTC)

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