Distance Between Faridabad to Gurgaon
The Distance from Faridabad to Gurgaon is approx. 35 km and time depends on the mode of transportation, road, traffic and weather condition.
By Car: One of the quickest ways is to travel by car which would take about 45 min to 1 hr. It is the best way which is flexible, private and allows one to stop whenever necessary. The Faridabad-Gurgaon Road is smooth and hassle-free.
Tempo Traveller: Travelling by Tempo Traveller in Faridabad is an excellent option as it can easily accommodate large groups. The comfort and space experience of Tempo Travellers are worth it. This travel takes normally around 1 to 1.5 hrs with considerable traffic and stoppages in between.
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The Distance from Faridabad to Gurgaon is approx. 35 km and time depends on the mode of transportation, road, traffic and weather condition.
By Car: One of the quickest ways is to travel by car which would take about 45 min to 1 hr. It is the best way which is flexible, private and allows one to stop whenever necessary. The Faridabad-Gurgaon Road is smooth and hassle-free.
Tempo Traveller: Travelling by Tempo Traveller in Faridabad is an excellent option as it can easily accommodate large groups. The comfort and space experience of Tempo Travellers are worth it. This travel takes normally around 1 to 1.5 hrs with considerable traffic and stoppages in between.
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11:53 AM - Jan 18, 2025 (UTC)
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