TheLifesciencesMag Magazine @TheLifesciencesMag
5 months ago
Understanding Low Estrogen in Women.

Estrogen is a group of hormones primarily produced in the ovaries.

It is responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics.

The three main types of estrogen are
1. Estradiol
2. Estrone
3. Estriol

?Causes of Low Estrogen in Women
?Ovarian Insufficiency
?Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
?Pituitary Disorders
?Genetic Disorders
?Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy

Know Symptoms and Treatment Options: https://thelifesciencesmag...

#estrogen #womenshealth #femalereproductivehealth #hormones #estradiol #estrone #estriol #menopause #perimenopause #lowestrogen #ovarianinsufficiency #hypothalamicamenorrhea #pituitarydisorders

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