prachi cmi @prachicmi
26 days ago
Bio-butanol: A Renewable and Sustainable Fuel of the Future

Bio-butanol, also known as biobutanol or biological butanol, is a biofuel produced through the fermentation of biomass feedstocks like sugarcane, corn, cassava or cellulosic biomass. It is a four-carbon alcohol (C4H9OH) produced through a fermentation process similar to bioethanol production.

While bio-butanol is still at a nascent commercial stage, it holds promise as a renewable fuel with significant advantages over bioethanol. With focussed R&D to improve fermentation yields, develop robust production organisms, lower energy recovery methods and validate economic scale-up pathways, bio-butanol could emerge as a more attractive biofuel for wider deployment in the transportation sector in the coming decade.

Bio-butanol- https://prachicmi.liveposi...

#CoherentMarketInsights #RenewableFuel #GreenEnergy #sustainablefuel #BiofuelInnovation
12:43 PM - Mar 05, 2025 (UTC)

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