"Introducing functional groups into nanoparticles," also known as "surface functionalization," is a process where specific chemical groups are added to the surface of nanoparticles to modify their chemical properties, enhance their reactivity, control solubility, improve stability, or facilitate interactions with biological molecules. These functional groups play a crucial role in determining the behavior of nanoparticles in various applications, such as drug delivery, biosensing, catalysis, and electronics. https://www.ste-mart.com/i...
09:59 AM - Mar 07, 2025 (UTC)
The surface is the interface of the nanoparticle with the environment and the ability to manipulate the surface of nanoparticles is essential for their use. Surface coating of nanoparticles refers to modification or functionalization of the surface properties of nanoparticles to enhance their imaging, drug delivery, stability, solubility, antireflection, anticorrosion, antifogging, UV resistant, prevent sulfurization, anti-microbial, self-cleaning, biological response, biocompatibility, safety, reactivity properties etc. The surface of a nanoparticle (the “core”) can be covered with a wide range of substances, which, in return, creates single- or multi-layers layer(s) (the “shell”) that can be either complete of incomplete. https://www.ste-mart.com/s...
09:58 AM - Mar 07, 2025 (UTC)
Cell Factories provided by STE-Mart are compact, multi-layer, single-use cell culture systems designed for easy medium to large scale cell culture applications such as commercial production of vaccines, monoclonal antibodies or pharmaceuticals. Growth kinetics are the same as cells grow in the cell culture flasks. https://www.ste-mart.com/f...
09:58 AM - Mar 07, 2025 (UTC)
STEMart provides you with a variety of pipetting equipment. If you have any questions or requirements for the SC9320 Dual Core Fully Automatic Pipetting Workstation, please feel free to contact us. https://prcxi.ste-mart.com...
07:37 AM - Feb 08, 2025 (UTC)
STEMart provides you with a variety of pipetting equipment. If you have any questions or requirements for the SC9300 8-Channel Automatic Pipetting Workstation, please feel free to contact us. https://prcxi.ste-mart.com...
07:35 AM - Feb 08, 2025 (UTC)
The Detachable 96-Well ELISA Plates provided by STE-Mart are crafted using medical-grade high-permeability polystyrene (PS) materials. They employ advanced polymer material surface treatment technology and manufacturing processes to ensure a strong binding capacity, excellent optical clarity, and minimal background interference for hydrophobic or partially hydrophobic molecules, such as viral antigens and proteins. These plates are designed to deliver uniform well-to-well performance, making them a reliable choice for ELISA tests. https://www.ste-mart.com/f...
08:22 AM - Jan 09, 2025 (UTC)
The Biological Indicator Population Verification test determines the number of spores on a biological indicator (BI) and is typically used to confirm the BI manufacturer’s stated value is representative of the batch. Furthermore, Biological indicators can provide a worst-case plot sterilization method by applying an organism that is resistant to a sterilant used in the specific application. This test can also be used to find out survivors from a sterilization process and calculate lethality rates and D-values. https://www.ste-mart.com/b...
08:21 AM - Jan 09, 2025 (UTC)
An antimicrobial or preservative is defined as a chemical substance that will kill microorganisms or inhibit the growth of microorganisms, usually added to nonsterile products to protect them from microbiological contamination. If your product will be on the market, it is advised that it has been validated to be free from microbiological contaminants through Antimicrobial Preservative Effectiveness (APE) Testing. https://www.ste-mart.com/a...
08:21 AM - Jan 09, 2025 (UTC)
STEMart provides you with a variety of pipetting equipment. If you have any questions or requirements for the SC9330 24-Channel Fully Automatic Pipetting Workstation, please feel free to contact us. https://prcxi.ste-mart.com...
07:43 AM - Dec 12, 2024 (UTC)
STEMart provides you with a variety of pipetting equipment. If you have any questions or requirements for the SC9320 Dual Core Fully Automatic Pipetting Workstation, please feel free to contact us. https://prcxi.ste-mart.com...
07:42 AM - Dec 12, 2024 (UTC)
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