sakshingo @sakshingo
3 days ago
How to Contribute to Social Causes?

Contributing to social causes can be done in many ways, such as volunteering, donating, or spreading awareness. Supporting the Best NGO in India would mean your effort makes a proper difference. Associations like CRY, Akshaya Patra, and Sakshi NGO function towards the betterment of children, empowerment of women, and education, providing ample means for contribution.

If you're in Delhi, you can fund the best NGO in Delhi NCR for example Sakshi NGO by volunteering with educational programs, contributing to health care programs or joining cause related campaigns. Small efforts like giving resources to needy communities or mentoring young kids can leave lasting impacts on society. Funding and actively participating with NGOs drive societal positive change.


#ngoinindia #topngoinindia #socialwelfare #socialcause #ngoindelhincr #bestngoinindia
11:54 AM - Mar 11, 2025 (UTC)
sakshingo @sakshingo
8 days ago
How to Save Taxes with 80G Donations in India

Donating to a registered 80G Exempt NGO benefits not only the cause but you as well through tax savings. Tax Exemption under 80G allows individuals and companies to claim deductions in donations made to qualifying charitable causes. The deductible amount can either be 50% or 100% of the donated money, depending on the certification of the NGO.

To take advantage of this benefit, make sure that the NGO is registered under 80G and obtain the donation receipt, and it should reflect the NGO's name, PAN, and registration number. Enter the donation value while submitting your income tax return in the appropriate section to obtain the deduction.

By making a thoughtful donation to an 80G Exempt NGO, you can support social welfare without increasing your taxable income. Always check the status of the NGO's 80G for maximum benefit.


#80gtaxexemption #80gexemptngo #taxexemption #ngoinindia #donatetongo #socialwelfare
12:08 PM - Mar 06, 2025 (UTC)
sakshingo @sakshingo
9 days ago
How to Empower Women in India?

Empowering women in India involves a multi-pronged strategy that comprises education, economic independence, and legal assistance. Women empowerment is possible through skill development programs, self-help groups and entrepreneurial activities. Providing quality education and vocational training helps women secure improved employment and become economically independent.

Legal consciousness is another important area of empowerment. Most women encounter issues of domestic violence, property rights, and sexual harassment at the workplace. Approaching the Best NGO to provide Legal Counselling and Mahila Panchayat will educate women about their rights and pursue legal recourse when necessary. The NGOs provide free legal services, mediation, and assistance through Mahila Panchayat, providing justice to women.


#ngoinindia #womenempowerment #womeneducation #nonprofitorganization #ngoindelhi
12:01 PM - Mar 05, 2025 (UTC)
sakshingo @sakshingo
14 days ago
How Much Tax is Exempt from 80G?

Under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, donations made to eligible charitable institutions and relief funds qualify for tax exemption. The exemption percentage depends on the organization’s approval status. Some donations qualify for a 100% deduction, while others offer a 50% deduction with or without an upper limit.

To claim Tax Exemption under 80G, the donor must obtain a receipt from the 80G Exempt NGO, mentioning the PAN and registration number of the organization. Additionally, the donation should be made through bank transfers, cheques, or digital payments to be valid for exemption.

Donors can claim Tax Exemption on Donation while filing their Income Tax Return (ITR) by mentioning the donation details under Section 80G. Always verify the organization’s 80G certification before contributing.


#80gtaxexemption #80gexemptngo #taxexemption #ngoinindia #donatetongo #socialwelfare
11:58 AM - Feb 28, 2025 (UTC)
sakshingo @sakshingo
15 days ago
How to Join Best NGO in India?

Selecting an organization that resonates with your interests is important if you wish to be part of the Best NGO in India. Begin by selecting NGO that deal with issues that are dear to your heart like women empowerment, healthcare, education or conservation of the environment. Review their websites and social media accounts to find out more about their mission statements, past projects and overall impact. Volunteering or internships and even regular employment are commonly provided by such organizations.

All you have to do is fill out their online application forms or email them describing your qualifications and your willingness to volunteer. Maximise your chances by networking with members of an NGO and attending their events and workshops. You can gain fruitful experience in the social welfare and even make a difference by choosing the right NGO.


#NGO #topngoinindia #ngoinindia #nonprofitorganiztion #sakshingo #topingoindelhi
12:53 PM - Feb 27, 2025 (UTC)
sakshingo @sakshingo
25 days ago
Ways to Empower Underprivileged Children in India

Empowering the poor children of India involves a comprehensive strategy to cater to their needs in terms of education, health and vocational training. Provision of good education through scholarship schemes, schools at no cost and digital learning are some of the best Ways to Empower Poor Children in India. Proper healthcare and nutrition maintain their physical as well as mental health.

Training and vocational education prepare them for more employment. Community participation, guidance and sensitization campaigns assist in gaining confidence and social integration. NGOs and the state are important in providing them with assistance through finances and facilities. We can develop long term possibilities that motivate and empower disadvantaged children to have a better life by creating an enabling environment.


#underprivilagedchildren #childcarengo #bestngoforkids #empowerchildren
10:24 AM - Feb 17, 2025 (UTC)
sakshingo @sakshingo
27 days ago
Sakshi NGO Initiatives for Pilgrim Assistance at Kumbh Mela

Kumbh Mela is among India's most sacred and eagerly awaited congregations that attract an estimated 45 crore pilgrims who come in quest of spiritual benedictions. For most people, it is a lifetime event to have a holy dip and experience their spirituality. But facilitating such a vast number of people poses challenges in the form of food, lodging, medical attention, and crowd control.

As a Top NGO in India, Sakshi has set out to provide pilgrims with necessary requirments. Our staff gives free food, secure shelter, medical care, and counseling to thousands of worshipers, ensuring they enjoy a comfortable and complete experience.


#nonprofitorgganization #topngoinindia #bestngoindelhi #helpinginkubhmela #sakshingo
12:41 PM - Feb 15, 2025 (UTC)
sakshingo @sakshingo
30 days ago
Celebrate This Women’s Day – Empower, Inspire, Uplift Women

Celebrated on March 8, International Women’s Day is a global rallying point for acknowledging women’s grit and achievements across social, economic, and cultural domains.

Why Empowering Women is Needed?
Despite thousands of years of by-passing, women here aspire to achieve equality in educative, employment, and social semblance. By the phrase empowering, women are endowed with a sense of dignity and equality first, followed by imparting the qualities a woman must possess, such as support from within, education, training, financial independence, and freedom of choice.

How NGOs are Making a Difference?
In the very core of the empowerment of women lies the role of these NGOs, which try to provide them with education, vocational training, social support, and legal aid. The Best NGO in Delhi NCR engages in providing empowerment and upliftment for underprivileged women


#womenngo #womensday2025 #womenempowerment #bestngoindelhincr #topngoinindia
10:52 AM - Feb 12, 2025 (UTC)
sakshingo @sakshingo
1 month ago
How to Join NGO in India?

NGO volunteering in India would mean adding some meaningful social cause contributions. So, it all starts by selecting your interest area- whether education, healthcare, environment, or women's empowerment. Several top NGOs in India provide volunteer work, internship opportunities and employment opportunities. Log onto their websites for further openings and how to apply.

You may apply online, and submit a resume and a statement of interest. Some Top NGO in India conduct interviews or hold orientation sessions for new members. Networking with existing members during some events sponsored by the NGOs may also help secure a role. If you have specialized skills, such as teaching, fundraising, or digital marketing, be sure to highlight them on your application.


#NGO #topngoinindia #ngoinindia #nonprofitorganiztion #sakshingo #topingoindelhi
12:12 PM - Feb 10, 2025 (UTC)
sakshingo @sakshingo
1 month ago
Importance of Basic Education for Underprivileged Children

The lack of basic education deprives poor children from realizing their integral development. Basic education equips them with the necessary skills to help extricate themselves from poverty. It provides literacy, numeracy, and rational thinking to children; these assets help create a far better future. Quality education cannot be afforded by most underprivileged children due to budgetary constraints, so facilitating the process is the contribution of NGOs.

A Childcare NGO plays a significant role in providing free education, nutrition and healthcare support to underprivileged children. These organizations help create a safe and encouraging learning environment ensuring children receive the education they deserve. Several top NGOs in India are working tirelessly to improve educational opportunities for disadvantaged children.


#sakshingo #NGO #childcarengo #topngoinindia #eduvcationforchildren #nonprofitorgagization
12:32 PM - Feb 07, 2025 (UTC)