politicalsciencesolution @politicalsciencesolution
6 days ago
Tensions in Manipur have reached new heights following the discovery of six bodies in the Jiribam district. The victims, believed to be from the Meitei community, went missing after an alleged abduction by Kuki insurgents. The bodies, including three children, were discovered on November 15 near the Manipur-Assam border, sparking widespread protests in Imphal.


#ManipurUnrest #Violence #EthnicConflict #northeastindia #IndianPolitics #ManipurCrisis #SocialIssues #IndiaNews #ConflictResolution
Md Rajib @mdrajib
24 days ago (E)
I have seen most of the people still saying, Iran is the protector of Muslims or protector of Palestine, let's analyze it..
Iran is a democratic country. Where the name of the state is Republic, there is nothing new to say. Democracy means that the state will run with laws made by people. Some laws in Iran include Sharia law; Just like in Saudi Arabia. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia are Islamic Emirates. They have a specific population and a specific territory. Theydonot consider the territory outside that their country. But the country's border law is part of Europe's 1648 'WestphalianSystem'. Following this system, these two countries aremembers of the United Nations and are friends with countries like China and Russia. Iran literally panicked when economic and oil trade sanctions were imposed. As a result, economic stagnation, inflation, discrimination on Iran forced people to take to the streets. Some religious precepts fell into popular ire by imposing policy-makers on the state's democratic constitutionIn particular, the regular protests in Iran have been dragged into the hijab issue by the western liberal media, where the main problems are economic woes, corruption, unemployment, inflation. Most Iranian women consider the hijab a beautiful symbolic of Islamic precepts, fundamental rights and morality. It is now crystal clear that the West has been trying to keep down the Islamic culture for decades by always bringing the Hijab as the main problem in Iran's internal problems by showing the nobility of their Western colonialist liberal policies. But of course, the government's imposition of the hijab on Iran has led to women taking to social media and protesting in the streets to show off their bras. Essentially, Iran's failed government failed to deal with political and economic issues internally and repressed the people harshly. And religious leaders are democratic-
The main problem has arisen when the government, which has failed to educate the people in the culture of Islam while maintaining the secular system, is forcing them to wear Hijab. It is becoming clear that Iran's problems have drawn the West to the shackles of economic sanctions, US surveillance of the nuclear project, and the desire to sit at a table for a solutionBy raining words against the West, the United States and Israel, the dependence on the West and the internal weakness of the state could not be avoided. The title of being known as the protector of Muslims is nothing but hollow bully.Ultimately, Iran is a failed state.
©~® ajib
amols shinde @go_66597b1773076
1 month ago
Plant based Meat Market Application and Industry Forecast Report 2030

Plant based Meat Market Outlook 2022-2030:
Plant based Meat Market Growth is projected to be worth approximately USD 7.92 billion in 2022 and USD 9.86 billion by 2030, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 5.9% over that time.

Plant-based meat is beginning to take center stage in vegan diets as more and more individuals opt for vegetarian diets free of animal products. Some people choose vegetarianism to protest animal suffering and support sustainable eating habits, while others are becoming vegans for moral and health reasons.

Meat replacements are plant-based meat products that are designed to resemble natural meats in terms of qualities. Compared to meat goods, plant-based foods provide the user with the primary ingredient in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way.
To know more about this report @ https://wemarketresearch.c...
actempotravel @actempotravel
3 months ago
Best Places to Visit in Amritsar

Golden Temple – The heart of Amritsar, this sacred site is known for its beautiful architecture and the peaceful Amrit Sarovar that surrounds it. It is a place of deep spiritual significance and a must-visit for anyone in the city.

Jallianwala Bagh – This historic garden commemorates the tragic events of 1919, where hundreds of innocent Indians were killed during a peaceful protest. The memorial here serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made during India's struggle for independence.

Wagah Border – Just outside the city, this border crossing between India and Pakistan is famous for its daily flag-lowering ceremony, a display of patriotism that draws large crowds every evening.


#amaritsarplaces #amritsartourism #Travel #goldentemple #tempotraveller
hateshirt @hateshirt
3 months ago
Burn. Loot. Murder!

Nothing much, in our opinion. If that’s a “peaceful protest,” you can keep it — and everyone that attended it. And please, keep them far away from our homeland. Ghana or Liberia might be a good home for them.

Price:- $28.00

traveltoindia @traveltoindia
3 months ago
Famous Places to Visit in Amritsar

Golden Temple (Harmandir Sahib): The Golden Temple is also known as Harmandir Sahib, It is the most famous attraction in Amritsar due to its beautiful golden design and peaceful environment.

Jallianwala Bagh: It is a memorial garden that commemorates the tragic 1919 massacre and pays tribute to the lives lost during a peaceful protest.

Wagah Border: A famous point between India and Pakistan characterized by its lively and patriotic ambiance.

Partition Museum: The museum provides a moving glimpse into the Partition of India in 1947, featuring personal accounts, items and records from that chaotic period.

You can easily visit these famous places by choosing a Tempo Traveller on rent in Amritsar. This roomy and comfortable vehicle is great for exploring the city’s rich history and lively culture with your group.


#tempotravellerinamritsar #famousplacestovisitinamritsar #goldentemple
Bangladesh 2.0 @Bangladesh
4 months ago (E)
Assembly at Shaheed Minar -

Protesters declare a single-point demand for the government's resignation.

On Saturday (August 3rd), the Coordinator Nahid Islam made this announcement at Dhaka's Central Shaheed Minar.

They have also called for the formation of a national government after the current government resigns.

In their declaration, they stated:

"Since the current government has carried out indiscriminate mass killings under its directives, and no one—women, children, students, teachers, workers—has been spared from this massacre;

Since, instead of prosecuting this carnage, the government is indiscriminately arresting and torturing students and the public;

Since, the government’s law enforcement agencies have perpetrated killings using lethal firearms;

Since, the general populace, including students, teachers, workers, and laborers, believes that impartial justice and investigation are not possible under this government;

Therefore, we declare a single-point demand for the resignation of the current authoritarian government.

At the same time, we demand the formation of an acceptable and inclusive national government under the leadership of a person acceptable to all."

During this, Coordinator Nahid Islam said, "We have taken to the streets again to free the people. We have gathered here today with a single-point demand. We have reached a single-point decision for the security of the lives of the people of Bangladesh and the establishment of justice in society."

Stating that this government has no right to remain in power for even a minute longer, he said, "Sheikh Hasina said the doors of Ganabhaban are open. We appreciate that she has realized the doors of Ganabhaban must be kept open because it's time for her to leave."

He further stated, "You keep the door open and wait. We are not coming for dialogue; we are coming to oust you. It's not enough for Sheikh Hasina to resign. The murders, looting, and corruption that have occurred in this country must be brought to justice."

"We do not want to give her an exit route through resignation. She must resign and be brought to justice. Not just Sheikh Hasina, but the entire cabinet and government must resign. And this fascist regime must be dismantled."

Bangla- শহীদ মিনারে সমাবেশ-

সরকার পতনের এক দফা দাবি ঘোষণা আন্দোলনকারীদের
সরকারের পদত্যাগ চেয়ে এক দফা দাবির ঘোষণা দিয়েছে বৈষম্যবিরোধী ছাত্র আন্দোলন।

শনিবার (৩রা আগস্ট) ঢাকার কেন্দ্রীয় শহীদ মিনারে এই ঘোষণা করেন সমন্বয়ক নাহিদ ইসলাম।

বর্তমান সরকার পদত্যাগের পর একটি জাতীয় সরকার গঠনেরও আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন তারা।

ঘোষণাপত্রে তারা বলেন-

'যেহেতু, বর্তমান সরকারের নির্দেশে নির্বিচারে গণহত্যা সংঘটিত হয়েছে, নারী-শিশু-ছাত্র-শিক্ষক-শ্রমিক কেউ এ গণহত্যা থেকে রেহাই পাননি;

যেহেতু, সরকার এ হত্যাযজ্ঞের বিচার করার পরিবর্তে নির্বিচারে ছাত্র-জনতাকে গ্রেফতার ও নির্যাতন করছে;

যেহেতু, সরকারের আইনশৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাকারী বাহিনী প্রাণঘাতী আগ্নেয়াস্ত্র ব্যবহার করে হত্যাযজ্ঞ সংঘটন করেছে;

যেহেতু, ছাত্র-শিক্ষক-শ্রমিক-মজুরসহ আপামর জনগণ মনে করছে এ সরকারের অধীনে নিরপেক্ষ বিচার এবং তদন্ত সম্ভব নয়;

সেহেতু, আমরা বর্তমান স্বৈরাচারী সরকারের পদত্যাগের এক দফা দাবি ঘোষণা করছি।

একইসাথে সকলের নিকট গ্রহণযোগ্য ব্যক্তির নেতৃত্বে একটি গ্রহণযোগ্য ও অন্তর্ভুক্তিমূলক জাতীয় সরকার গঠনের দাবী জানাচ্ছি।'

এসময় সমন্বয়ক নাহিদ ইসলাম বলেন, “আমরা জনগণকে মুক্ত করতে আবার রাস্তায় নেমে এসেছি। আমরা আজকে এক দফা দাবিতে এখানে হাজির হয়েছি। আমরা বাংলাদেশের মানুষের জীবনের নিরাপত্তা, সমাজের ন্যায় বিচার প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য আমরা এক দফা সিদ্ধান্তে উপনীত হয়েছি”।

এই সরকার কোনোভাবেই আর এক মিনিটও ক্ষমতায় থাকার অধিকার রাখে না উল্লেখ করে তিনি বলেন, “শেখ হাসিনা বলেছে, গণভবনের দরজা খোলা আছে। আমরা সাধুবাদ জানাই যে তিনি বুঝতে পেরেছেন গণভবনের দরজা খোলা রাখতে হবে। কারণ তার যাবার সময় হয়েছে”।

তিনি আরও বলেন, “আপনি দরজা খুলে অপেক্ষা করুন। আমরা সংলাপ না, আপনাকে উৎখাত করার জন্য আসবো। শেখ হাসিনাকে পদত্যাগ করলেই হবে না। এই যে খুন-লুটপাট, দুর্নীতি এই দেশে হয়েছে, তার বিচার হতে হবে”।

“আমরা পদত্যাগ দিয়ে তাকে কোনো এক্সিট রুট দিতে চাই না। তাকে পদত্যাগও করতে হবে, বিচারের আওতায়ও আনতে হবে। শুধু শেখ হাসিনা না, মন্ত্রীপরিষদ, সরকার সবাইকে পদত্যাগ করতে হবে। এবং এই যে ফ্যাসিবাদী শাসনব্যবস্থা এটাকে বিলোপ করতে হবে”।

Source- Bbc Bangla link:- www.bbc.com/bengali/live/c...
#Bangladesh #StepDownHasina #BloodyBangladesh #bdpolicebrutality #StudentStrike
Wld @Bdnews
4 months ago
Shot in the eyes, victims of Bangladesh protest violence face dark future

Wld @Bdnews
4 months ago
Hundreds protest across Nigeria over soaring cost of living, fuel prices

Bangladesh 2.0 @Bangladesh
4 months ago

Khulna University Protest Turns Violent!

Police Fire Tear Shells on Students, Main Gate to Zero Point Becomes a Battlefield.
#Bangladesh #StepDownHasina #BloodyBangladesh #bdpolicebrutality
Bangladesh 2.0 @Bangladesh
4 months ago (E)
New evidence confirms #SheikhHasina used snipers to kill protesting students.

Date: 19-20 July
Place: Dania University College,
Fly Over Connecting Road, Dhaka
#StepDownHasina #JulyMassacre #SaveBangladeshiStudents
Bangladesh 2.0 @Bangladesh
4 months ago
? The protest rally of the students of RAJUK Uttara Model College, soaked in the rain. ✊

? বৃষ্টিতে ভিজেই রাজউক উত্তরা মডেল কলেজের শিক্ষার্থীদের প্রতিবাদ সমাবেশ।✊

#Bangladesh #StepDownHasina #BloodyBangladesh #bdpolicebrutality
themintscoop @themintscoop
4 months ago
Students protested outside Drishti IAS coaching centre in Mukherjee Nagar, North West Delhi. This happened after the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) sealed the basement of Drishti IAS and several other coaching centres. They did this because the basements were being used illegally for classes.

Wld @Bdnews
5 months ago
Barclays suspends sponsorship of Live Nation music festivals after protests
Wld @Bdnews
6 months ago
Thunberg accuses Israel of ‘artwashing’ reputation through Eurovision
Wld @Bdnews
7 months ago
Rival Gaza protest groups clash on LA campus

Scuffles break out between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel activists, with no sign of student demos tailing off.
traveltoindia @traveltoindia
7 months ago
7 Best Places To Visit In Amritsar

Here are the 7 best places to visit in Amritsar:

Golden Temple: The holiest shrine of Sikhism, the Golden Temple is surrounded by a sacred pool. Its golden dome and serene ambience attract millions of visitors from around the world.

Jallianwala Bagh: This historical site commemorates the tragic massacre that took place in 1919, where British troops fired on a crowd of peaceful protesters. The bullet marks on the walls serve as a reminder of India's struggle for independence.

Wagah Border: see the electrifying atmosphere at the Wagah Border, where the lowering of the flags ceremony takes place every evening. This border ceremony between India and Pakistan is a symbol of patriotism and national pride.

Partition Museum: Located in the historic Town Hall building, the Partition Museum chronicles the traumatic events of the Partition of India in 1947. It showcases personal stories, artifacts, and documents related to this pivotal moment in history.

Akal Takht: Adjacent to the Golden Temple, Akal Takht is one of the five seats of authority in Sikhism. It holds significant religious and political importance and is a place for spiritual reflection and community gatherings.

Ram Bagh Palace: Also known as Maharaja Ranjit Singh Museum, this historic palace was once the summer residence of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the founder of the Sikh Empire. The museum displays artifacts, weapons, and paintings related to Sikh history.

Gobindgarh Fort: Explore the rich heritage of Amritsar at Gobindgarh Fort, which dates back to the 18th century. The fort houses museums, exhibitions, and cultural performances, offering visitors a glimpse into Punjab's storied past.

These attractions showcase the rich cultural, historical, and religious heritage of Amritsar, making it a captivating destination for travelers seeking insight into Sikhism and India's vibrant history. If you are looking to enjoy amritsar with friends, family, or a group, consider choosing our top-rated Tempo Traveller Rental Services in the city.


#tempotravelleramritsar #tempotraveller #Travel #traveltoindia #amritsartourism
Md Rajib @mdrajib
8 months ago (E)
Protest 🇵🇸☝️🔻🔥✊ #FreePalestine
#FreePalestine #FreeGaza
Md Rajib @mdrajib
8 months ago (E)
Let the protests be like that🔻☝️🇵🇸
#FreePalestine #FreeGaza
Rahul Roy @go_6568c143c3580
9 months ago (E)
Why Does Java Have Security?

Java is one of the most known programming dialects for objects. It gives a large number of capacities that are a hit among designers. This is the motivation behind why most gadgets are running Java. In this article, we'll investigate the purposes behind why Java is secure . Learn more here, Java Course in Solapur.

Java is secure because of these reasons.
* Java applications run inside a virtual machine, which is otherwise called the sandbox.
* Java doesn't give an expressly pointed pointer.
The Byte-Code Verifier looks at the codes for any code that is unlawful and could comprise an infringement of privileges to protest.
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* Security makes sure that season of execution happen each time the loader is stacked with new codes.

Java additionally has different traits that can make Java more secure.
* Programming interface's to assist with security
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* There is no understanding of focuses
* Assemble time checking
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* ClassLoader

Visit here for more,
Bard AI @Bardai
9 months ago
trendingblogers @trendingblogers
9 months ago
? Dive deep into the heart of the Farmer Protests 2024 with our latest blog! Explore the issues, voices, and the ongoing movement reshaping agricultural policies. Stay informed, stay empowered.

Read the blog:- https://trendingblogers.co...

#FarmerProtest2024 #FarmersProtest #FarmerProtest #Farmer #news
Colton @Colton
1 yr. ago
Leo is a 2023 Indian Tamil-language action thriller film directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and produced by Seven Screen Studio. It stars Vijay in the lead role, alongside Trisha, Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Sarja, Priya Anand, and Mansoor Ali Khan. The film follows the story of Parthiban (Vijay), a café owner who unexpectedly receives national attention when he is visited by thugs and underworld mafia looking for one "Leo Das". He protests that it is a case of mistaken identity but is eventually forced to drop his façade.

Download Leo (Hall print) movie:

Caltn Thomas @Caltn
1 yr. ago
Bulgaria is the only country that has not extended the ban on the delivery of Ukrainian grain.

So what is the result?

Across Bulgaria, farmers blocked roads to protest agricultural imports from Ukraine. Border crossings, main roads and highways are blocked. Representatives of 26 industry organizations announced an indefinite nationwide protest.

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